
OR4FOOD is a research project funded by the African Union Commission for the period 2018-2021 under the African Union Research Grant Programme (AURG II - 2). It involves agronomists from CIRAD, IRD and ISRA, as well as experts in food and nutritional science from ITA and UCAD in Senegal and Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia. These teams have taken up the challenge of micronutrient biofortification of commonly consumed local food products in Africa, working with farmers to implement agro-ecological selection of varieties that are naturally high in micronutrients along with organic fertilisation.


Agroecology to boost micronutrients in food and fight hidden hunger.


A whole system approach to demonstrate micronutrient gain in local crop products and food, and develop a shared vision of an agroecologically-biofortified food system.


In Sahelian rural areas, mother/child pairs often suffer from micronutrient deficiencies – vitamin A, iron and zinc – which guarantee good health. OR4FOOD is committed to biofortifying in micronutrients daily consumed African foods such as millet, cowpea in Senegal and teff, peas in Ethiopia by implementing agroecological practices with farmers as (i) selection of naturally nutrient-dense varieties and (ii) fertilization with organic residues, turning the contaminants contained in these residues in useful and available micronutrients.

Coordination: Jean-Michel Médoc
Cirad, UPR Recyclage et Risque
Seconded at LMI IE Sol, Dakar, Sénégal

Administration and budget: Frédérique Campagne

#malnutrition #HiddenHunger #micronutrients #AgroecologicalPractices #AgronomicBiofortification #FoodSystem #Senegal #Ethiopia